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Monday 23 July 2012

Tricksy Dreams!

I had a dream last night about what I could write in my next blog. Then, I had another dream, which completely obscured the first with anxiety and stress dreams. Then, in my third dream, I was so annoyed about the second dream, I came up with an excellent and profound blog post to replace the first one.

Then, I woke up, and I realised that all the blog posts I had created in my dreams were actually nonsense, and not at all profound. Dreams are tricksy like that, sometimes.

So, instead, I got up and read through the first draft after a break of a few days away. It needs a lot of work. The end, in particular, is far too rushed. It's like I just got to the final section, and decided I wanted it finished as soon as possible, and so I crammed about 6 chapters-worth of story into 1 chapter. In fact, it's not "like" I did that, I did actually did do that.

Back to the drawing board, or writing laptop, as it happens.

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